Sunday, May 22, 2011

random thought third edition : Taylor Swift's Songs and My Heart

When it comes to music, I really do not give much attention to the people who sang the songs I most of the time hum or sing.What matters more to me was how the message of the songs were delivered and whether they are easy to sing along to. 

I am the type of person who loves music, however, it seems like I was not out or I was sleeping when God sprinkled the GIFT OF MUSIC to our world. Actually, that was a good way of saying that I am a frustrated singer, but that did not stop me from loving music and songs, instead, I appreciate hearing music more.

I do not have a favorite singer. For me, it was like SEASONAL. What songs I like today give credit to the one who sang them. And lately, I frequently find myself singing along with Taylor Swift who seemed like a bestfriend of mine who knew what I had gone through and going through. 


Actually, aside from her gift of music, I also admire her beauty and sense of style. She looks like an angel, REALLY! :)

The following are the songs in which she's actually singing what is inside my heart.

I fell in love with a guy, someone I treated as the closest boy friend of mine, but somehow it did not turn out right. After a year, he invited me and my friends to have lunch with him and all throughout the conversation, I was wondering why we were not able to talk like we did before. We were not able to make eye contacts and speak to each other while looking directly in the eye. It was very awkward, considering the fact that I was sitting just infront of him but we chose to sit quietly listening to our friends' mumblings. In the end, I still was not able to tell him what was on my mind and heart and I guess it would stay that way forever. What I regret most is, I was not able to save our friendship at all.

This song is also about the guy I was talking about in THE STORY OF US. I know everything about him without him knowing about what I know and I try my best to hide it. I am a good friend to his beautiful sister but it seemed like that's the end of it, because he never felt the same way as I do. He's a very intelligent person but just like the song said, "He sees everything but my heart." and that is the saddest part because every day we were together, it was as if I was always praying for a miracle.

Still the same guy. We have a traditional story, I-LOVE-YOU-YOU-LOVE-HER and that was what made things SUPER COMPLICATED. I was the shock absorber of all his heartaches when he did not even know that my heart was also aching everytime a tear falls down his eyes.  I could be the best girl for him for I know him inside and out, but then, I will always be the Invisible Girl in his eyes.

My boyfriend broke up with me because of his reason, "I NEED TO FOCUS ON MY STUDIES." However, I found out that he was actually dating this girl, a year younger than us. There was a point in our lives when I should work with this girl for a certain production in our school and she was acting like I was the one who ruined a relationship. She posted bulletins on Friendster (that time I accepted her as my friend, since I was so over with the break-up) which actually pertaining to me.  She really had the confidence to do that without knowing she's actually losing in the battle by lowering herself in a level that would certainly humiliate her in the end. What I did was, I just let her do what she thinks would make her happy but when she invited me to be friends with her in Facebook, I ignored her friend request, I somehow got my revenge, haha :))

This is the song I dedicate to father, my strength and the source of everything I have and could offer. Papa supported me in everything I do and believe in my capabilities and decisions. He is the best Dad for me and the best man I could ever meet. I seldom spend time with him for he is busy with work and I am busy with my work but whenever we are together, we see to it that it's a time well-spent. This song is also about my brother, the line, "God smiles on my little brother, inside and out he's better than I am." Indeed, my brother is better than me in everything and that is what i will forever be thankful for because whatever I could achieve in this life, I want my brother to achieve more and to have better things than what I have or could have.

As you can see, all are sad songs except THE BEST DAY. Wondering why? hahaha, I am also wondering why... maybe it is because, I still have not found the REAL ONE yet that is why I had to go through all that heartaches. It was sort of like a practice maybe. So that when the REAL ONE arrives, I already know what to do or what not to do and how to appreciate the love he is about to give me. I just hope he is on his way now :)

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