Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 15 of the 15-Day Challenge

Finally, I am done with the 15-day challenge! Happiness!

What else could I say? Hmm, maybe I will just tell a story about my internet connection... Lately, I was thinking why I was not able to connect with people and the things around me... Why I feel so being left out and things do not want to go my way.

Actually, I accept and appreciate the fact that sometimes, things go out of the way that we should be able to cope up with changes. However, I cannot.... Resistance to change?? hmm, not so much... but maybe it's able I was too attached that I just could not let go that easily....

But I am trying to learn and I am slowly letting go... It just takes time and I need people to give me time to adjust. Adjustments should not be forced... We just have to wait for a person to fully cope up with things...

Hahahaha, does this entry made sense?
I don't know...
Maybe yes...
Maybe no...
But for me, this is what my heart contains right now...

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