Wednesday, May 11, 2011

random thought first edition : LOVE

             The following essay was written on the night of April 28, 2011. It is a summary of the writer’s idea of an IDEAL LOVE, the kind of love that she will always have.

Love is a gift that comes in different sizes, or should I say in different packaging? It may come from any elite member of the society to the least payer of taxes in the community.

Love, they say, changes all living creatures which are capable of feeling. It makes maids out of venerable ladies, queen out of average women, depending on how they are loved. It messes up the minds of rational men or turn paupers into princes; it all depends on how they love.

We use the word love sometimes as an excuse, as a reason, a privilege, a sacrifice or a burden. We can use it in any way, ways which nobody could question, but we cannot escape from being tangled with it and no one really knows how messy or neat the outcome of the meeting might be.

Love is a sign of braveness. Nobody really loved without acknowledging the responsibility that comes with it. Love is not simply put into words like, “I love you”. It must be shown, for words coming anywhere but the heart should not be said at all.

Love does not mean physical closeness for love is not measured by distance, by how much of the existing material things you can offer nor by how long you can stay beside him/her. Love is making the most out of every second you spend with each other  and accepting that life does not revolve around the two of you, acknowledging that reality does not wait for you and you both have individual responsibilities to be done and expectations to be met.

Love does not end, so if the feelings die, clearly it is not love at all.

Love does not fade. Time makes you get used with the feeling or another love just outgrew the former one. But the old one remains the same.

Love makes all of us feel the will to sacrifice even our lives for the one who truly mattered yet it reminds us the loves which will be left behind, the broken hearts, the shattered dreams when we are gone, for love is never selfish, it does not only think of itself.

Love is giving more than what you think you can give, it’s about your maximized potentials. Love does not necessarily reject NO for an answer, for love understands. It does not always accept YES, for love knows the real desires of the heart.

Love is a gift to all. No matter where you are or who you are, you are loved. It is not and will never be a privilege or a duty to be acted upon.

The human heart contains unlimited supply of love. But I just cannot understand, in a world that provides home for 6,892,000,000 people, why experience scarcity of love? Why we try to take each other down? Why we are unhappy of other people’s success? Why wish them loneliness?

Shower the world even a hundredth of the love you have. Selflessly love the people you knew, you know and you will know and those who will never cross your path, for they will always be part of the circle of life. Cherish their existence for love never meant solely of romantic love. It exists in many kinds, kinds which both you and I could give.

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