Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 9 of the 15-Day Challenge


The Three M's

- Mind (I admire a man when he thinks faster than his mouths.)

- Money (I like someone who is willing to spend money for me without hesitation.)

- Manner (I am fascinated when a man knows his limitations and responsibilities in everything he does:D)


-Body Odor (I can tolerate a man without scent but could never be with someone who smells like a wet rusted metal.)

-Vanity (I like a man who knows how to keep himself clean but not to obsess with cleanliness than a woman could ever be.)

-A man who does not read (I want a man who would want to go to a bookstore with me than to a movie-house.) 

-A man who speaks bad words (A major No-No!)

-A man who smokes and drink alcoholic beverage (We do not have those vices in the family and we are more than willing to retain our smoke and alcohol free home.)

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