Sunday, May 29, 2011

random thought fourth edition : Rings of Happiness

For the twenty-one years of my existence on earth, I am constantly finding ways to be happy, contented with my life and meet the right person with whom I will share the remaining years of my life with.

I remember the drama I watched when I was still in high school. One character in that drama said that a woman must be able to receive three rings from her significant other to be truly happy and contented. It was more of a symbol of vow that that man will love her and care for her for the rest of his life.

I somehow wanted to receive the three rings someday. If fate permits that the right one for me could afford it, I hope he'll give those to me in the right moments of our lives.

This ring signifies that the woman wearing it on her left ring finger is soon to be married. It was more of a seal that the woman is already committed to somebody.

This is the style of the engagement ring I want to wear someday :)

This ring is to be received during the exchange of vows the day the couple gets married. A sign that they will each other and be with each other for the remaining days of their lives.
I want somehow the design to be half of a heart for each ring, so that it would symbolize that we will always have each other's half wherever we go :)

This ring should be given in any occasion after the wedding day. But for me, I want to receive it after our first child is born. This ring symbolizes eternal love.
I dream to receive a ring that only has design on the upper part of the band to avoid hassle because of bulkiness when it's already put in my fingers. A simple yet elegant like the picture would certainly do.

The rings mean so much and if I am lucky enough to receive the three of those in this lifetime, I would certainly be one of the happiest and most contented girl in the world.

But for now, I think I must wait patiently for my prince cause until this day, he is still out of my line of sight :)


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 15 of the 15-Day Challenge

Finally, I am done with the 15-day challenge! Happiness!

What else could I say? Hmm, maybe I will just tell a story about my internet connection... Lately, I was thinking why I was not able to connect with people and the things around me... Why I feel so being left out and things do not want to go my way.

Actually, I accept and appreciate the fact that sometimes, things go out of the way that we should be able to cope up with changes. However, I cannot.... Resistance to change?? hmm, not so much... but maybe it's able I was too attached that I just could not let go that easily....

But I am trying to learn and I am slowly letting go... It just takes time and I need people to give me time to adjust. Adjustments should not be forced... We just have to wait for a person to fully cope up with things...

Hahahaha, does this entry made sense?
I don't know...
Maybe yes...
Maybe no...
But for me, this is what my heart contains right now...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 14 of the 15-Day Challenge

A tattoo is a big "NO" for me... but for the piercing, I already have one in each ear of mine but I do not plan to add more... :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 13 of the 15-Day Challenge


Though the country does not experience winter due to its location on earth, I enjoy looking at pictures and watching movies that features the falling ice covering the land and making people feel vulnerable. Winter represents peace, something each of us must have. During winter, people tend to think things through because of the silence the surroundings possess.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 12 of the 15-Day Challenge

God Bless the Broken Road
by Rascal Flatts

I set out on a narrow way, many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Yes He did

I think about the years I spent, just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost, and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there, you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

But now I'm just rolling home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

"The song reminds me that everything has a reason. God has plans for ll of us. The hurt, the tears, the smiles and happiness aren't just displays in our life, they mean something and they re for something. We don't need to question God why certain things happen to us, for right things will fall on their right places at the right time :)"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 10 of the 15-Day Challenge

Wedding Dress
I often wonder about whether I would meet the REAL ONE or stay single for the rest of my life :)

I am a coffee addict. I drink four glasses a day even the climate’s unbearably humid.

Haha, just checking on my friends and what’s new with their lives considering that fact that we would not see each other often now…


Sunday, May 22, 2011

random thought third edition : Taylor Swift's Songs and My Heart

When it comes to music, I really do not give much attention to the people who sang the songs I most of the time hum or sing.What matters more to me was how the message of the songs were delivered and whether they are easy to sing along to. 

I am the type of person who loves music, however, it seems like I was not out or I was sleeping when God sprinkled the GIFT OF MUSIC to our world. Actually, that was a good way of saying that I am a frustrated singer, but that did not stop me from loving music and songs, instead, I appreciate hearing music more.

I do not have a favorite singer. For me, it was like SEASONAL. What songs I like today give credit to the one who sang them. And lately, I frequently find myself singing along with Taylor Swift who seemed like a bestfriend of mine who knew what I had gone through and going through. 


Actually, aside from her gift of music, I also admire her beauty and sense of style. She looks like an angel, REALLY! :)

The following are the songs in which she's actually singing what is inside my heart.

I fell in love with a guy, someone I treated as the closest boy friend of mine, but somehow it did not turn out right. After a year, he invited me and my friends to have lunch with him and all throughout the conversation, I was wondering why we were not able to talk like we did before. We were not able to make eye contacts and speak to each other while looking directly in the eye. It was very awkward, considering the fact that I was sitting just infront of him but we chose to sit quietly listening to our friends' mumblings. In the end, I still was not able to tell him what was on my mind and heart and I guess it would stay that way forever. What I regret most is, I was not able to save our friendship at all.

This song is also about the guy I was talking about in THE STORY OF US. I know everything about him without him knowing about what I know and I try my best to hide it. I am a good friend to his beautiful sister but it seemed like that's the end of it, because he never felt the same way as I do. He's a very intelligent person but just like the song said, "He sees everything but my heart." and that is the saddest part because every day we were together, it was as if I was always praying for a miracle.

Still the same guy. We have a traditional story, I-LOVE-YOU-YOU-LOVE-HER and that was what made things SUPER COMPLICATED. I was the shock absorber of all his heartaches when he did not even know that my heart was also aching everytime a tear falls down his eyes.  I could be the best girl for him for I know him inside and out, but then, I will always be the Invisible Girl in his eyes.

My boyfriend broke up with me because of his reason, "I NEED TO FOCUS ON MY STUDIES." However, I found out that he was actually dating this girl, a year younger than us. There was a point in our lives when I should work with this girl for a certain production in our school and she was acting like I was the one who ruined a relationship. She posted bulletins on Friendster (that time I accepted her as my friend, since I was so over with the break-up) which actually pertaining to me.  She really had the confidence to do that without knowing she's actually losing in the battle by lowering herself in a level that would certainly humiliate her in the end. What I did was, I just let her do what she thinks would make her happy but when she invited me to be friends with her in Facebook, I ignored her friend request, I somehow got my revenge, haha :))

This is the song I dedicate to father, my strength and the source of everything I have and could offer. Papa supported me in everything I do and believe in my capabilities and decisions. He is the best Dad for me and the best man I could ever meet. I seldom spend time with him for he is busy with work and I am busy with my work but whenever we are together, we see to it that it's a time well-spent. This song is also about my brother, the line, "God smiles on my little brother, inside and out he's better than I am." Indeed, my brother is better than me in everything and that is what i will forever be thankful for because whatever I could achieve in this life, I want my brother to achieve more and to have better things than what I have or could have.

As you can see, all are sad songs except THE BEST DAY. Wondering why? hahaha, I am also wondering why... maybe it is because, I still have not found the REAL ONE yet that is why I had to go through all that heartaches. It was sort of like a practice maybe. So that when the REAL ONE arrives, I already know what to do or what not to do and how to appreciate the love he is about to give me. I just hope he is on his way now :)

Day 9 of the 15-Day Challenge


The Three M's

- Mind (I admire a man when he thinks faster than his mouths.)

- Money (I like someone who is willing to spend money for me without hesitation.)

- Manner (I am fascinated when a man knows his limitations and responsibilities in everything he does:D)


-Body Odor (I can tolerate a man without scent but could never be with someone who smells like a wet rusted metal.)

-Vanity (I like a man who knows how to keep himself clean but not to obsess with cleanliness than a woman could ever be.)

-A man who does not read (I want a man who would want to go to a bookstore with me than to a movie-house.) 

-A man who speaks bad words (A major No-No!)

-A man who smokes and drink alcoholic beverage (We do not have those vices in the family and we are more than willing to retain our smoke and alcohol free home.)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 8 of the 15-Day Challenge

I am not actually a TV buff. I hate commercials and  I get bored easily with the lousy portrayal of some artists of their roles in the dramas. I also hate the way some hosts embarrass their contestants in front of the whole country, by asking them their sad stories and making them cry, before they give them money.

But if I need to choose one that really entertains me whenever I sit in front of the television everytime I am free, that would be our very own SHOWTIME.

 the logo of the show

I like the way the hosts: Anne Curtis, Vhong Navarro, Kim Atienza, Teddy Corpuz, Jugs Jugueta and the resident judge Vice Ganda interact with their contestants and audience which they call "Madlang People" .

 from left to right: Teddy,Jugs,Kuya Kim,Anne,Vhong,Vice Ganda

Showtime changed the morning habit of a lot of Filipinos, especially during its first season, and awaken the dreams of the talented old and young ones in the country.

The show aims to entertain it viewers, and they are actually good at it :)

Just like what their motto says, "THIS IS YOUR SHOW, THIS IS YOUR TIME, IT'S SHOWTIME!"

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 7 of the 15-Day Challenge


Asian Drama




People I love most <3


Public Display of Affection

Getting Sick :'c

Having Misunderstood

Someone who hates me for being who I am

Waking up SUPER EARLY in the morning

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 6 of the 15-Day Challenge

1. I do not like the feeling of being attached to someone other than my family.

2. I love the Masochistic Dragon <3

3.  I easily get attracted to someone who looks good but I do not fall in love easily.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 5 of the 15-Day Challenge

PDA (Public Display of Affection) – too much for me to bear to see lovers walking along the street kissing and hugging each other…

Loud Voices in Public Places - oh please, the place isnot yours alone :’c

People Sleeping in the Library – can’t see the logic why they were there anyway..

Copying without Sharing- if you need something you should be able to give something in return for the thing given to you…  it is like - I will answer numbers 1,3,5,7 and you will answer 2,4,6,8 then exchange papers :-)

Taking credit of something you did not do...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 4 of the 15-Day Challenge

Seoul, South Korea

 Taipei, Taiwan

Boracay, Philippines
Baguio, Philippines

Davao, Philippines

Photo Credit: Google Images ^_^

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 3 of the 15-Day Challenge


Though I believe the outside appearance means so much these days, so much that some people consider it is their everything, I am still stuck on the thought that what would keep people standing beside you, supporting, loving and trusting you is what really found inside your heart and mind.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

random thought second edition : WHY I LOVE ASIAN DRAMA SERIES

          It all started when Meteor Garden debuted the Philippine television last 2003 when I became so engrossed with Taiwan’s F4, especially Yan Cheng Xu and Zhou Yu Min, that posters and magazines were sold like hotcakes to me. (even the wall in my room was covered with Meteor Garden's posters ^_^)

Meteor Garden

          Then, Princess Hours, Lovers in Paris and It Started with a Kiss were aired on ABS-CBN which also turned me upside down. 

 Princess Hours

 Lovers in Paris

It Started With a Kiss

          What made these drama series appealed to me more than our local tv series is that these dramas featured LESS VIOLENCE, LESS CONFLICTS and LESS CHARACTERS which made the plot LESS COMPLICATED ... These dramas SELDOM show knives or guns and super arrogant characters who do not know anything but to to punch anybody impulsively...

          AND ... unlike Philippine Drama Series which take over one year on air, these dramas only have 16 episodes (more or less, depending on the theme :D)

          It's not that I don't support our own television program industry, it's just that, I hope in the future, we will have more shows featuring what's best in our country and people, less complications, less violence, less antagonists, less hostage drama and blood... These programs reflect what our country is and these are aired in other countries as well. Is this really the image we want to build?

Day 2 of the 15-Day Challenge

<3 I still sleep inside a mosquito net, feels like a princess :-)

<3 I am in the process of writing a novel inspired by Stephenie Meyer’s character, Renesmee … (I kinda hope it will have a chance to be published in the near future :-D)

<3 I am addicted to asian dramas, especially those made in Taiwan and Korea… I can watch for 12 hour straight… 

<3 I don’t feel like I should be holding on to my cellphone that much … I don’t like receiving calls and messages ...

<3 I love school …

<3 I want my nails to be painted with shouting colors like HOTPINK!!! NEON GREEN!!! BLOODY RED!!! But when its done I am always like, “acetone, please!”

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 1 of the 15-Day Challenge

<3 My friends call me MHIE, a long-term nickname ever since my elementary days.

<3 I already achieved my goal to enter a school wherein I will be able to impart my knowledge to future generations…

<3  I love to write about random things, I have twitter, facebook, friendster, myspace and blogger accounts and to mention, I am still maintaining my yahoo and google accounts :-)
I am chubby because I eat a lot …

<3 I am single because I believe as of now I still have enough supply of LOVE (reason!!!)

<3 I smile because somebody loves to see it…

<3 I will always love to be me… clumsy, witty, pretty, petty, necessary, all the ironic things you can see within this gigantic body :-)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

random thought first edition : LOVE

             The following essay was written on the night of April 28, 2011. It is a summary of the writer’s idea of an IDEAL LOVE, the kind of love that she will always have.

Love is a gift that comes in different sizes, or should I say in different packaging? It may come from any elite member of the society to the least payer of taxes in the community.

Love, they say, changes all living creatures which are capable of feeling. It makes maids out of venerable ladies, queen out of average women, depending on how they are loved. It messes up the minds of rational men or turn paupers into princes; it all depends on how they love.

We use the word love sometimes as an excuse, as a reason, a privilege, a sacrifice or a burden. We can use it in any way, ways which nobody could question, but we cannot escape from being tangled with it and no one really knows how messy or neat the outcome of the meeting might be.

Love is a sign of braveness. Nobody really loved without acknowledging the responsibility that comes with it. Love is not simply put into words like, “I love you”. It must be shown, for words coming anywhere but the heart should not be said at all.

Love does not mean physical closeness for love is not measured by distance, by how much of the existing material things you can offer nor by how long you can stay beside him/her. Love is making the most out of every second you spend with each other  and accepting that life does not revolve around the two of you, acknowledging that reality does not wait for you and you both have individual responsibilities to be done and expectations to be met.

Love does not end, so if the feelings die, clearly it is not love at all.

Love does not fade. Time makes you get used with the feeling or another love just outgrew the former one. But the old one remains the same.

Love makes all of us feel the will to sacrifice even our lives for the one who truly mattered yet it reminds us the loves which will be left behind, the broken hearts, the shattered dreams when we are gone, for love is never selfish, it does not only think of itself.

Love is giving more than what you think you can give, it’s about your maximized potentials. Love does not necessarily reject NO for an answer, for love understands. It does not always accept YES, for love knows the real desires of the heart.

Love is a gift to all. No matter where you are or who you are, you are loved. It is not and will never be a privilege or a duty to be acted upon.

The human heart contains unlimited supply of love. But I just cannot understand, in a world that provides home for 6,892,000,000 people, why experience scarcity of love? Why we try to take each other down? Why we are unhappy of other people’s success? Why wish them loneliness?

Shower the world even a hundredth of the love you have. Selflessly love the people you knew, you know and you will know and those who will never cross your path, for they will always be part of the circle of life. Cherish their existence for love never meant solely of romantic love. It exists in many kinds, kinds which both you and I could give.

My Asian Drama Craze

I have been watching Asian Dramas for eight years and among those which I watched, there are ten series which actually touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. The following list contains the synopsis of my favorite Asian Dramas in random order.

Endless Love : Winter Sonata
Winter Sonata begins when Joon-sang (Bae Yong Jun) moves to a new high school in search for his biological father. Yu-jin (Choi Ji Woo) and Sang-hyuk (Park Yong Ha) have been close childhood friends; though Sang-hyuk wants to be more than a friend, Yu-jin sees him merely as a brother. On a trip together with some other high school mates, Oh Chelin (Park Sol Mi), Jin-suk (Lee Hye Eun) and Yong-kuk (Ryu Seung Soo), Yu-jin is saved after an accident by Joon-sang and after that they get to be really close and she opens up his cold heart. However, circumstances and fate dictate that their love will never be. He abruptly disappears from their lives. Ten years later the old High School buddies get together to celebrate Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk's soon to be wedding. Yu-jin who was deeply in love with Joon-sang, still has this fire in her heart for him, even though he's been out of her life for a decade. But at this party Oh Chelin's new boyfriend arrives, and he looks just the same as Joon-sang. Could it be him or is Yu-jin only dreaming? 

Meteor Garden

Shan Cai, a lower middle class citizen, is attending Ying De University, the private school made exclusively for rich citizens. Besides being looked down upon by rich classmates, she has angered the leader of F4, Dao Ming Si. F4 comprises of Dao Ming Si, Hua Ze Lei, Xi Men, and Mei Zuo, who are the heirs to the four richest families and they donated a lot of money to the school so nobody dares to challenge them. This poor girl dared to attack DMS, which nobody has done before, and made DMS sprout an interest toward her. However, his constant torture of her has made her hate him, but made her fall in love with Hua Ze Lei, who helped her during DMS's torturing. Can DMS get her love through his cold and cruel exterior? Will their love last when everyone is trying to break them up? What happens when his fiancee comes and his mother has used all the worst ways to keep her from him?

Secret Garden 

The drama tells the story of Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin), an arrogant and eccentric CEO who maintains the image of seeming perfection, and Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji Won), a poor and humble stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy amongst top actresses. Their accidental meeting, when Joo Won mistakes Ra Im for actress Park Chae Rin, marks the beginning of a tense, bickering relationship, through which Joo Won tries to hide a growing attraction to Ra Im that both confuses and disturbs him. To complicate matters further, a strange sequence of events results in them swapping bodies.

One Liter of Tears

This beautifully moving drama is based on the real-life struggles of a 15-year-old girl named Aya who suffered from an incurable disease, but lived life to the fullest until her death at 25. The script is based on the diary Aya kept writing until she could no longer hold a pen. The book that later followed entitled “One Litre of Tears" has sold over 1.1 million copies in Japan alone. Fifteen year old Ikeuchi Aya was just a normal girl, soon to be high school student and daughter of a family who works at a shop that makes tofu. As time passed, unusual things started happening to Aya lately. She started falling down often and walks in a strange way. Her mother Shioka, takes Aya to see the doctor, and he informs Shioka that Aya has spinocerebellar degeneration - a terrible disease where the cerebellum of the brain gradually deteriorates to the point where the victim cannot walk, speak, write, or eat. A cruel disease, as it does not affect the mind in the least. How will Aya react when told about her disease? And how will Aya live from now on?

 Fated to Love You

A really unfashionable working class girl Chen Xin Yi has the desire to tie down her handsome boyfriend to be with her. Due to certain reasons, her boyfriend gets her to go on a love cruise and she started to ponder on how to lose her virginity and tie down her boyfriend. Xin Yi ended up taking cold medicine which made her drowsy and went into Ji Cun Xi's room. Cun Xi is the sole male heir to his family's company and has been in love with his girlfriend, Anna, for a long time. He planned to propose to Anna on the boat but she didn't turn up on the cruise. An island owner added drugs into Cun Xi's drink and Cun Xi became disorientated and returned to his own room. Xin Yi and Cun Xi end up having a one night stand. Xin Yi later finds out that she's pregnant and Cun Xi's grandmother forces them to get married. Will a couple forced to marry for the sake of their unborn child find love with each other? ..

 Save the Last Dance for Me

 Eunsoo (Kim Yoo Jin) is a pure but unsophisticated woman who runs a small resort inn with her father. Eunsoo is just an ordinary girl, but her life changes when she meets a man (Ji Sung) who's completely lost his memory. She takes him in and cares for him, and even gives him a name: "Baek Changho". Love blossoms, and soon wedding bells can be heard. But on the night of their wedding ceremony, Eunsoo's father passes away. And soon after, Changho disappears too! In the blink of an eye, the two people Eunsoo loves most in the world have left her. But Changho had his reasons for disappearing: his real name is Kang Hyunwoo, and he's heir to a large conglomerate. Even more, someone is plotting to kill him... 

Devil Beside You 

 After finally getting the courage to confess her feelings, Qi Yue (Rainie Yang) was handing her love letter to Yuan Yi (Kingone), but by a stroke of bad luck, he did not see and walked passed her. The person standing in front of her was the troublemaker of the school, infamously known for his devilish ways – Jiang Meng (Mike He). The devil will get what he wants, and the object of his desire was Qi Yue. Although having a cruel exterior, Ah Meng’s heart is kind and caring, which truly touched Qi Yue. The big problem remained – Ah Meng is the son of the man Qi Yue’s mother is going to marry. Even though they were not related by blood, who will accept this step brother-sister relationship? What is to become of their relationship when other lovers come into the picture? 

Boys Before Flowers

 Jan Di is an average girl whose family owns a dry-cleaning shop that is located near the luxurious and well-known Shin Hwa College. Jan Di meets the four richest and spoiled boys when she delivers laundry to the school one day. The boys are known as the F4 and cause trouble to those who speak out against them. 


 Kang Jae is a wealthy businessman and gangster and Mi Joo is a plastic surgeon. These two meet after Mi Joo mistakens Kang Jae as being her sleazy brother-in-law. Kang Jae just happens to be the boyfriend of Mi Joo's pregnant neighbor, Yoo Jin. Sae-yeon meets Mi-Joo and falls in love with her feisty attitude. Kang-Jae works for the father of Sae-Yeon who is a gangster. Mi-Joo and Kang-Jae fall in love. 

A Love to Kill

In A Love to Kill, Bi/Rain/Jeong Ji-Hoon plays a tough guy as the role of a K-1 Fighter, Kang Bok-gu. Bok-gu is a character who is dynamic in nature and grew up in a foster home. He falls in love with a woman whom he should not love. It was because of the woman, his emotionally-wounded brother fell off from the rooftop and became a human vegetable. So, his love is forbidden and inevitably tragic. The woman is Cha Eun-seok (Shin Mina) who is a TV talent and movie actor. It was not that she jilted his brother on purpose, but upon a basis of misunderstanding, his hatred toward Cha Eun-soek grows more and more burning. By becoming Cha Eun-seok’s private bodyguard, Bok-gu keeps concretely practicing his revenge upon her. He only desires ‘to bring his brother’s woman to her knees.’ He is gradually taking Cha Eun-seok to destruction, while he feels his love toward her growing deeper and deeper in his heart. Bok-gu is a cold guy character without any special concern for woman. Martial art of hand-to-hand fighting was just kind of his escape he choose from the shock of a spinster’s death whom he loved from a distance.